Do you know what Mr. Pickles is doing in this photo?

Here's a hint:

Poor Sofa. He did not run fast enough, so Mr. Pickles threw him in the lake!

I guess he was jealous of The Fantabulous Dock Diving Woo. When you see images like this:

You get The Envies. And then your poor Doberman pays the price for your wounded pride.
At least he hauled him back in again.

Which is something that Dougie the Jack probably wishes he hadn't done, after he was subjected to The Sofa Experience.
Frickin' doberman! I'm outta here!

Agh! Holy cow! Get OFFA me!!

(*borrows Piper's Mad Teeth(tm)*)

'Scuse me, but those are MY Mad Teeth(tm). How will I keep this ball in my mouth without them?

Piper has had no more episodes of drunk-walking / overheating since the last one, but I have been very careful to not run her in the middle of the day without access to swimmable water. Thanks for all the insight and suggestions about what could be ailing her! She'll be going to the vet later this week for some bloodwork and an overall check up.
She also had a pretty good agility trial, and earned herself a Starter's Snooker Q. It doesn't seem like much - after all, she had 3 runs and only Q'd in one of them, but for Piper this is a BIG accomplishment. Not too long ago, she was so all over the place on the course that she couldn't do more than a few obstacles before her brain fell out of her head and she became The Saucers-For-Eyeballs Tornado of Doom on the course. Thanks to the hard work of Gerhard ("Again, FASTER") we saw some notable successes in our runs - she took almost every obstacle on the first try, instead of running past them in a frenzy, she held her start line stays reliably and she nailed her 2o/2o contacts every time. Good girl!!
Tweed had a beautiful Masters Standard run with a first place and a Q, but he did a faceplant in his Gamble opening and then sulked his way through the rest of the course, and didn't want to do the Gamble. Poor old man :(
Speaking of things Tweed did not want to do ... this included jumping off the dock.
WTF? Off THIS thing? You been smokin' that crack, Food Lady.

Since Tweed would not jump, and Piper NEVER jumps, that left just the Woo to impress all the park goers with his sexy moves.
I am too sexy for this dock, too sexy for this dock ...


Holy shit, the orange dog can FLY!

This presents a whole new crop of recall training challenges. Figures.

Even he seemed a little amazed by his new talent of flight.
Dude. Whoa.

This is awesome.

I'll just fly home. See you there, Food Lady!

Yesterday I did a photo shoot for some friends out in Maple Ridge, and took photos of oh-so-many adorable doggies, but the one that stole my heart was this pittie, Sienna:

She was a rescue off a reserve here in the Vancouver area and she has the sweetest personality of all time.
And she gets pretty big air too!

Tomorrow I get to photograph some border collies, including Bear (now called Rhys) who will be up for adoption soon.
And I try to upload photos from every session on my Big Air Photography website within a couple weeks of shooting, so don't forget to check there often for new pictures!
Oh and my little sister got married last week to her long time love. The wedding was a small ceremony of just family, and happened on Bowen Island (the site of the Very Bad Woo Runs Away adventure). Congratulations to my little sister!

Congrats to your sister!
Flying the future every family will have one!
YAY for pitties!!!!! And YAY for your sister!
Give me Pickles address - I am gonna make the Sofa an orphan! Bad Bad Pickles. I was at Trout Lake one day when a freaked out dog got trapped under the dock!
Wahahahahahaha! Poor Sofa. Somewhere I have a very similar picture of my husband trying to toss Max into a lake to get him to swim. Ever seen a beardie cling to a human with all 4 legs while hanging over water? LOL
How old is the Sofa now?
We recently adopted a blue Dobie pup we call Luna, partially because the Sofa is just so awesome! Play styles were a consideration and Dobies match Aussies pretty well, I think!
I would like to know how Mr. Pickles would feel if someone threw him out of an airplane wihout a parachute. That would probably equal the panic poor Sofa felt when thrown off the dock.
Congrats Little Sis!
Congrats to your sister!! And I love the Orange Dog!! :) They are all wonderful actually...
"I would like to know how Mr. Pickles would feel if someone threw him out of an airplane wihout a parachute."
Probably Pickles would like that, cuz he's a crazy adventure guy, but it's also probably not THE SAME since the water is a foot below the dock and therefore not hazardous to Sofa's life. Ya dig?
"That would probably equal the panic poor Sofa felt when thrown off the dock."
Lord have mercy. I am always amazed that people with no sense of humour read a blog that's meant to be funny. He lowered Sofa over the side so Sofa could swim. Sofa swam around after my dogs for a bit then came back in. He hasn't learned to swim to shore yet, which my dogs do, so he got picked up off the dock instead. If you don't believe me, revisit the photo of him PLACING Sofa into the water. Jeez louise!
PS - In case it's not obvious, Woo also can't *actually* fly. Obviously, some things get exaggerated in the retelling for comical purposes :)
Cha jumped off the dock once at Trout Lake and then he couldn't figure out that he has to swim to either one of the beaches to get out. No, crazy dog wanted to jump back on the deck and when he realized he couldn't he was screaming bloody murder so that every single person at Trout Lake came running to see what was up. Eventually he managed to climb on the dock. And I went and bought him a harness the next day so I could pull him out the next time.
God, get a grip. Throwing someone out of an airplane is not the same as tossing a dog into a lake five feet away and staying there to make sure everything goes well.
As for the whole "Food Lady abuses her hamster"'s too stupid for words. Her animals live far better lives than many children I know.
Haha, I love the Mini Mad Teeth!
And congrats to your sister!
Congratulations to your sister and to Piper for her Snooker's Q - Snooker's is hard. Congratulations to Tweed also for his 1st place. I can't imagine you having a friend who would actually throw a dog into the lake so I wasn't fooled by the picture. But I am sorry to hear that it isn't true that Mr. Woo can really fly.
I wish I had video when my 8 week old, 23 pound Great Dane puppy walked into my inlaw's pool. He'd never seen one before and didn't understand why the shiny blue ground suddenly gave way and sploosh! he was submerged. I was so terrified that my poor helpless puppy was going to *drown* that I halfway dove in to yank him out. He has been terrified of water ever since - he literally cringes at the beach as each wave brakes over his toes. Bad Dane mommy.
OMG, whadda ya mean, Woo can't fly?????? You just blew it for me!!!!!!!!!!
I am absolutely loving this blog! Thank you. If you ever visit Montana I would love to meet the pups.
My childhood dog walked right off the end of a dock the first time she saw a body of water. She clearly thought she would be able to walk on the water surface, and was really surprised when she got wet. (She figured out how to swim to shore all by herself.)
Cobweb happily followed the people into the water as a puppy, and then kept climbong into our arms. Which was kinda cute when we were waist-deep in the water, but made it difficult to tread water when we got in deeper. And we wear Tshirts when we swim with the dog--the first time we both looked like we'd been wrestling with cacti. :)
Congrats to your sister, that's a great picture!
Time for Woo to show he has the ability to win ribbons too -- go kick some Labrador ass at dock diving!
What a beautiful picture of your sister and her new spouse. They are both gorgeous. Frankly I would like to hijack the person who does the spouse's eyebrows.
And big congrats on the Piper Q. I have a whirling tornado of doom and I'm hoping to get her on course before she is six (gotta hurry, she just turned four). I so understand what you are talking about.
"What a beautiful picture of your sister and her new spouse. They are both gorgeous. Frankly I would like to hijack the person who does the spouse's eyebrows."
HAHAHAHAHA! That is my sister and ME - her spouse is a man! My sister is the one with the rad eyebrows, which she does herself, incidentally:)
Hey FL,
Congrats on all counts! You make the "Qs" sound easy but I so know it's not! I know something about those "Saucers-For-Eyeballs Tornado of Doom" moves so yeah I know it's lots of hard work and sacrifices and all that yada yada so I really think you deserve that *pat on the shoulder*! Great job! :) Hope for many Qs to come! Between Tweed and Piper and hopefully in the not too far future with the Fantabulous Dock Diving Woo! Did you say something about Mr Pickles, Sofa and jealousy?!?! I sure am!! I have an Orange dog that looks more or less like Mr Woo (and he's a "certified BC), but I think they forgot to install his dock diving function when I got him! Otherwise someone PLEASE explain to me why my 2 BORDER COLLIES will never jump off the docks unless I jump first!??! Is this some sort of murder plot? Or is this some sort of Alpha goes first? I'd wish to think it's the latter but I will not indulge myself. ;)
Awww.. I should shut up. This isn't even my blog. :)
Just wanna let you know, Great job with the dogs! They are awesome and so are you! And yah, while I'm at it, SHAME on all those without a sense of humour. Chill people..if you do read this blog on a fairly regular basis, you should know that FL will never do something to hurt animals (or even allow it 1km within her radius) so CHILL.. Learn to enjoy life, have fun with your furry friends and get them to do photos which seemed to suggest otherwise! :)
Our Dobie had no body fat and sank like a stone on the several occasions that she jumped into water. I remember looking down and seeing her little face and flying nun ears about a foot down and slowly realizing that she just wasn't coming back to the surface.
(She died several months ago, so I do love the Sofa pics. :) )
C'mon Food Lady, you gotta admit, the 1st photo of the Sofa in the Lake looks a lot like a wretched & doomed passenger, clinging to the rapidly sinking hull of the Titanic. He certainly does not resemble the Magnificent Orange Sea-Plane! Do they make water-wings for Dobermans?
"Lord have mercy. I am always amazed that people with no sense of humour read a blog that's meant to be funny..."
Your blog is funny--very--but frightening a dog just isn't. Sorry.
"Your blog is funny--very--but frightening a dog just isn't. Sorry."
And again, The Sofa was not afraid. We are teaching him to swim, and he is learning to like it. I do NOT consort with people who do wrong by their dogs, and if Sofa had been afraid, Mr. Pickles would have heard a few choice words from me. Between this nonsense and the hamster 'abuse' shit, I'm starting to get rather annoyed with the self righteous commentary that assumes the worst.
"C'mon Food Lady, you gotta admit, the 1st photo of the Sofa in the Lake looks a lot like a wretched & doomed passenger, clinging to the rapidly sinking hull of the Titanic."
And I have a pretty much identical photo of the pittie who was launching off the dock after her ball - voluntarily - and then climbing back up onto the dock the same way Sofa was trying to climb back on. She looks pretty much exactly the same, except 2 seconds later she had hauled herself back up, and was racing back to her dad with the ball so he could DO IT AGAIN.
I ALSO have an almost identical photo of Auntie Fi hauling Tempus onto the dock in the same fashion after he VOLUNTARILY leapt off the dock before she even threw his ball - Tempus has simply not yet learned to go to shore as my dogs do.
I suppose if people insist on thinking the worst, that's what they are going to see in the photos. *shrug*
I am tired of explaining over and over again that many of the stories are highly embellished retellings of relatively tame events. I have explained this now several times, so any other comments to the contrary are now getting deleted because arguing with me about it is stupid - I was there, you were not. Pickles was not "mean" to Sofa, Sofa was not "terrified," Woo doesn't really fucking fly. End of discussion people.
I remember Alphamutt throwing Kirby off the dock at Trout Lake. He loved it. While we were still going to Trout Lake jumping off that dock was his favourite thing to do.
Food Lady - your blog is great. I don't understand why people don't get the hyperbole you use. It is very entertaining to me and I know you would never do anything that would endanger any of your animals. Carry on!
Cool! Flying soggy doggies! These are great photos. Looks like you had a whole boatload of fun that day. Congrats to Sis, too.
Woo can't fly??????????? (sobs)
You just ruined my day :-(
And HUGE congrats on the Snooker Q (my favorite game personally!) with Piper! Woo Hoo!!
I used to think BC's didn't like water, since all my girl will do is wade in and lay down when she is desperately hot. You've proved me wrong! Love looking at pics of Woo in the water! Congrats to your sister, they are a beautiful couple!
Your sister has rad eyebrows anyway. They are truly awesome!
Dorkily yours,
Sofa's Mom says get over it! Mr. P would never hurt our dog and he spends more time and energy on our dog then most dog owners that I know.
No, no! I'm sorry -- I was simply laughing at your photo of Koa with paws on the dock! I didn't suspect for a minute that you or Mr. Pickles was attempting to drown the poor pooch. If I thought the dog were in any distress, I certainly wouldn't be cracking Titanic jokes. (And yes, I did mean it as a joke, albeit a badly-timed one, in light of other comments. :-(
In all seriousness now, I -- like all the others who read and adore 3WAAW regularly -- see you as the patron saint of dog welfare. If you see any comment from me that seems like criticism, please disregard it as a failed attempt at humor. For the blog and all your other dog-related doings, you deserve nothing but kudos!
"No, no! I'm sorry -- I was simply laughing at your photo of Koa with paws on the dock! I didn't suspect for a minute that you or Mr. Pickles was attempting to drown the poor pooch. If I thought the dog were in any distress, I certainly wouldn't be cracking Titanic jokes. "
I am sorry MalaysianFan! You have a great sense of humour, and I know that. I was just feeling sensitive after the ridiculous "dog abuse" commentary, especially since one of the (many, deleted) comments from Cedarfield included quoting your comment as justification for his/her ill humoured accusations. I should know that you of all people would get the humour of it all! I apologize.
"In all seriousness now, I -- like all the others who read and adore 3WAAW regularly -- see you as the patron saint of dog welfare. "
Oh damn baby, I am anything but a saint. You should hear the 17 kinds of (graphic and painful) bodily harm I wished (loudly and vehemently) upon Piper after a very hot (30 degrees post-dinner in the Langley barn!) and very difficult/frustrating agility class tonight. I also had to apologize to her ;-)
Thanks to you and all of you readers who *understand* that my sense of humour runs just this side of ridiculous and that everything is in fun.
Congrats to your sister!
Something about Mr. Pickles - he makes me laugh almost as much as you do:)
Those flying Woo shots are breathtaking. Thanks for another great read.
I have a new JRT puppy I was trying to teach to swim. The cold water got up to his boy-bits and he went screaming for the shore. Brave boy!
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