I know, I know - WTF? Crazy Food Lady ...
Before we begin, this is a shout out to Nancy and her dogs who want to be as cool as us. The problem is, they may in fact be cooler than us. We don't own any blue plastic wigs and we're getting the Green Feeling.
*note to self - go wig shopping.*
Piper has a monkey on her back.

Ha Ha.
So I found this guy in the laundry room yesterday, on the "Free" table. He looked nice, all cute freckles and shizzat, so I brought him home with me.

As soon as I walked in the door, Woo started making a noise that can only be translated thusly:

I was all, "Wootie, don't touch the monkey, I want to take some photos of it."
And he was all, "Fuck it. I'm takin' the monkey."

So I put the monkey on top of the deep freeze.

And then Wootie was like, "Phhbbtttt, like that's gonna stop me, mama. I said I iz takin' the damn monkey!"


And then came The Enforcer (tm) and with some Monkey Mad Teeth (tm) she took over.

Not to be deterred, Mr. Woo recruited the Red Army for help. In no time at all, we had...

The result of these hijinks?

RIP Freckley Monkey Dude.

Noods and The Gang in Our New Favourite Park out in Ladner

Jenn And Lu, personifying ... Jenn and Lu:

Wish us luck! This weekend we'll be at the AAC Regionals in Matsqui trying for another qualifying year for Nationals. Mr. Gimpy's on-again-off-again limp has been mostly absent for a couple of weeks now, and we've done all the training catch-up we can do, so now all that's left is prayer, juju and other internet type well wishing from his fans.
See you next week, blog readers!

Awesome photos and tremendous commentary! Poor freckled monkey.
Bwahahahaha! Poor monkey. Great pix as always :)
I am still laughing! Red Army? Monkey three way?!! And the priceless 'after' photo. I really needed the out loud laugh tonight.
Thanks Food Lady!
RIP monkey :( Proof that free doesn't always mean a good home!
Good luck at Regionals - we'll be there too with "brindle" and "mouthy". No pressure since my dogs both peaked last year lol
Great series! Hope you don't mind, I put a link to your blog on my blog. Everyone deserves these funny Border Collie stories and photos! Good luck this weekend!
Cooler than the cookie lady!~ Oh my, I am honored, but that is not possible!
This has promoted me to want to share the blue rubber love. I NEED to see your dogs wearing it. Send me your address to gooddogz1 @ aol.com (no space) and I will mail it to you. Besides, it's no motorcycle helmet....
Hahahahaha! Too funny! The aftermath shot is great, with Woo, looking a bit too innocent.
Bye monkey, it was fun while it lasted!
Good luck to you guys at Regionals!
Good to see (fellow NEBCR volunteer) Nancy getting some love on the blog!
good luck at regionals!!! ours is still a few weeks away....
Piper's eyes during the monkey three way says it all "mine!"
I am still laughing! Very clever post.
Good luck at the regionals. Kick butt!
Barbara & the Bedlams Pack
I wonder if the monkey leaver would have reconsidered if s/he had foreknowledge of its terrible fate.
Good luck a regionals!
it's a MONCHICHI!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monchichis
They butchered a Monchichi!
And I know that voice of the Woo...we've got one of those around her.
that was a monchichi. the boy. poor thing...
Love the Monkey Three Way! Tears are still streaming down my face I laughed out-loud....thanks so much for that. Always enjoy the TWAAW!
Good luck!
OH NOES! Stuffy carnage! A tragedy. A terrible, terrible tragedy.
We salute you Freckle Monkey. You were valorous and brave to take on the The Red Army.
Your indoor shots look soo good! Is that natural light (if so, I'm totally jealous), or do you use a flash? My indoor pics come out too dark, blurry, or they're very white from camera flash. Tips pleaz!
AH HA HA! You guys are all too funny! Whenever someone tells me they laughed so hard they cried, I immediately start laughing too!
I do use an exterior mount flash (a Speedlite) for lots of my indoor shots, especially if I'm shooting with my 17-70 as it's a little slow on the uptake. Also, it's been dark and raining for days here so I'm not totally sure what "light" is! But in good weather, at the right time of day, I have wonderful, natural light in my pad!
A monchichi huh? Well, now it's a stuffingless stuffie monkey!
Thanks for the well wishes at Regionals - we are gonna need 'em! I dropped his Fatness to 16" Specials and now I don't know how to handle him correctly! Oh who am I kidding, I always handled him badly. Whatever, we'll go and have some good times! Thanks again!
You should bring it back to the "free" table in a bag with a sign that says "Slightly used monkey."
Good luck! Kick some pants, Tweed!
And, no limping!
poor monkey :( , but he lived a good life...
good luck at regionals!!!!
our our next weekend!
I reached the "aftermath" shot just as a friend called. I was SNORTING I was laughing so hard...couldn't even get words out, just gasps and choking noises.
PS You've inspired me & my friend to put away the video and pick up the camera. www.insanedogowner.livejournal.com
Oh, my. You should bring the Woofs and the Woo to Malaysia to learn some monkey manners! Monkeys 'round here have the monopoly on Mad Teeth, if not the trademark. :-) And they chatter. Things like, OMG, GimmeTheWoo, OMG, GimmeTheWoo, etc.
Tastes great, less filling! :)
OMG, some of the comments can be pretty funny, too. Not as funny as the innocent look of Woo. Or the Monkey Mad Teeth. Or Tweed, in most things Tweed does.
Thanks for the giggles and great pics! Good luck at the regionals - have someone take pictures for your blog next week.
LMAO, poor monkey!
Good luck in the Regionals!
OK. Wootie had to kill the monkey. He had no choice. He set it up to LOOK like the others helped, but they didn't. Please understand......the monkey was...it was.....EATING AT HIS BRAIN!!!
Dear Tweed,
Please do your best at Regionals. It isn't that I don't love you and your Tweirdness, but I think it will make your food lady really really happy if you just do your bestest. I'm not supposed to tell, but I think she might actually like you.
Besides, even if you screw up, I don't think she'd send you to me in Denmark. So Molly will cross her paws for you and we'll send you luck thoughts.
I bet if you do good she'll post nice pictures of you so you can be better than Woo for a day. Wouldn't that be something?
bex and Molly
Hahahaha, what a hillarious blog entry! The Monkey Eaters :) The Monkey Killers :) Woo tidiously pulling the monchichis (thanks for the info, I had no idea it was called that!) from the freezer is a clasic - the serious look on his face is fantastic. I started giggling at the aftermath - didn't last long enough to take more pictures of the torture, huh? :)
Good luck Tweed, I love you and you know that! And yes, it's becoming more and more transparent that your mom adores you too. Knock them dead, kid!
I took my 13 yo dd out to watch the Saturday runs & we wandered, and watched, and scanned, and then, THEN, I recognized you from your tats! And then I saw Tweed!! I felt like a celebrity stalker! WOW, look, there he is! And there is the Food Lady!
It was nice to see Tweed in action. We won't mention the tunnels.... Sending juju for tomorrow if you're running again...
Good to see there are MANY others out there that gladly and happily give thier dogs the freedom to destuff stuffies in the home. LMAO!!
Hey, it's all about having fun right!
Good luck at the regionals....hope Mr Gimpy is feelin' fantastic and rocks!
Hilarious! Biggie has a monkey, too, (or rather, he appropriated it) but he's only chewed its face off so far. Still, disturbing.
Best. Blog Post. Ever.
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