Know how I can tell?
Woo on Piper action:
The Wootie Toy has lost it's allure entirely. Beach trips now start with this:
And end like this:
(Summer Mad Teeth (tm))
Welcome home, summer! We missed you!
Yesterday at the dog beach we met Rob and Jack. Actually, we met Jack first, because I threw the Wootie Toy and out of nowhere came this little black streak of lightning who leapt in the air, grabbed the Wootie Toy and vanished. We thought we were victims of a Kelpie (not the dog, but rather the Celtic shapeshifter) but then Rob came along and cleared things up for us. Turns out Jack is not a Kelpie at all, just a finely strung mixed breed dog with a penchant for frisbees.
Jack is a Smooth Fox Terrier X Lab who apparently bounced in an out of every shelter in British Columbia before going home with this fellow Rob. Rob also had a border collie, so I gathered there was some seriousness behind the phrase "Jack's nuts."
Nuts or not, Jack can jump! Holy crow!
And then there is Woo. Many times I have posted photos for you on this blog of Woo gracefully leaping for his frisbee or soccer ball and you have "oohed" and "ahhhed" over his mastery of the airborne toy.
But what no one has seen until now is the dark and dirty side of those shots. Everything in this world has a seedy underbelly and/or a secret.
This is Wootie's secret, exposed.
AKA This is what happens when Woo misses the frisbee. He falls down. At top speed.
(View large!)
I'm sorry Woo. Your cover is blown.
At the beach we also saw Howie. Howie was adopted from our rescue about a trillion years ago, so it was cool to see him again. Even if mostly all I saw was this:
Piper says he gets an "A" for Effort, but that his form is lacking and he fails to live up to her Extreme Hydroplaning standards.
I have no appropriate segue to this, but I feel it has been a long time since I provided Jane with a good shot of The Flamboyance (tm) and she must be going into withdrawal by now.
As you can see, The Flamboyance (tm) has really matured over the 18 months or so that Woo has become part of TWAAW. It is now, essentially, its own entity.
I'm still working on getting good Shaking Dog photos, and was pleased with Tweed's performance for the camera. I had no idea a dog could move so many body parts in different directions all at once.
(Buried somewhere in this blog from last year are photos of Coach standing up in the water like a groundhog, but I can't remember where they are.)
Okay Piper wants me to get off the computer and take them all back to the beach and she is being all begging and pitiful looking about it. Kind of like this: